1. The ticket is only valid for the indicated day. No changes or refunds are allowed. Each ticket is identified with a unique “QR” code that must be preserved to avoid being copied. Avoid exposing it, as well as uploading photos without covering it, as it can only be used once at our access control. If you bought an online ticket for the VIP area, make sure you access the correct place. It is your responsibility to get the corresponding wristband for that area according to the type of ticket you have purchased. Pay attention to the indications and if you have any questions, ask our staff. Once you enter, if you get an incorrect wristband for another area, you will not be able to go back and change it.

2. THE RIGHT OF ADMISSION IS RESERVED FOR REASONS OF SECURITY AND PUBLIC ORDER. Under no circumstances will it involve discrimination based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other personal or social condition or circumstance. Access will only be allowed with the complete ticket. Any torn, damaged, amended, or forged ticket will authorize the organization to prohibit its holder from entering the venue without the right to a refund of the corresponding amount. In the case of deteriorated wristbands or those that cannot be worn or closed for any reason, as long as they retain their intact QR code, they can be exchanged for a new one at the access gate, at a cost of €5.

3. It is essential to present an ID card, driver’s license, or passport, always in ORIGINAL format, with a recent photo. Photocopies, reports of theft or loss, or documents with erasures or signs of tampering will not be accepted.

4. To protect image rights and intellectual property, it is strictly forbidden to film or record the entirety or part of the Festival by video, audio, or any other means, as well as the use of PROFESSIONAL cameras.

5. Entry with suitcases, briefcases, handbags, or large backpacks, as well as bottles, cans, umbrellas, weapons of any kind, or any object that the organization considers dangerous, is prohibited. Access is also prohibited to anyone exhibiting violent and improper behavior or showing signs of being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

6. Access to the venue is subject to age verification and registration in accordance with the law. Those who do not provide identity through an official original document, or do not present the required authorization in the case of minors, or refuse to be searched, will be denied access to the venue.

7. The ticket holder acknowledges that their image may appear in video or photographic recordings made at the venue by various means for subsequent informational and/or promotional dissemination, and accepts and consents to such uses.

8. The Festival organizing company reserves the right to alter or change, at any time, without prior notice or condition, both the venue and the established schedule and/or program, including the lineup, for justified organizational reasons, or the absence of any invited athletes or artists due to unforeseen causes, such as illness, accident, loss of legal documentation, flight, or other means of transport and any other objective cause that is considered. These changes do not entail a refund of the ticket amount.

9. The organization does not guarantee the authenticity and/or validity of a ticket if it has not been purchased through official sales channels. The possession of a counterfeit ticket, in addition to not allowing access to the venue, will generate the pertinent legal actions. Each QR code is unique, do not attend the festival with a ticket in another person’s name unless it is from someone you absolutely trust, DO NOT BUY YOUR TICKET FROM ANY UNKNOWN PERSON.

10. The ticket holder will lose their rights upon leaving the venue, either voluntarily, by generalized eviction by the competent authority, or by instructions from authorized personnel, for reasons of security, disorder, or misconduct, being responsible for their own actions and omissions that cause injury to third parties or damage to property. In no case will there be a right to a refund of the ticket amount.

11. The cancellation of the event by Order and/or recommendation of the competent authorities as a result of adverse weather conditions or unforeseen events of a natural, epidemiological nature, airspace closure, or any other that is considered objectively dangerous or potentially risky for attendees and the Organization itself, will not necessarily entail a refund of the ticket amount, provided that a new date for the event is announced under identical or similar service conditions.

12. If the event date changes for any justified reason, the already purchased ticket will be automatically valid for the definitive date. In this case, no refund of the ticket amount can be claimed.

13. The Promoting Company GUARANTEES the refund of the nominal ticket amount (discounting management fees, commissions, etc., which are generally set at a minimum of 10% or, where applicable, in a range between €5 and €10), if the event is canceled due to causes attributable to the Company, establishing a reasonable maximum period for organizing and developing such actions at the points of sale. Expenses that may have been incurred for transportation, travel, hotel reservations, apartments, and any others that could be claimed as derived from the canceled event cannot be claimed from the company nor will they be taken into account.

14. The resale of tickets is PROHIBITED, even if it is for promotional or social purposes, without the express written consent of the event promoters.

15. At ‘multi-stage’ Festivals, the different areas of each of the Festival zones may have a limited capacity for obvious space reasons, and access to these areas may be restricted for safety once this capacity is reached. Consequently, the Organization will not be responsible in any case for the inability of certain attendees to attend specific events that are part of the Festival.

16. Cups for drinking within the Festival generally cost €1. You can purchase it when buying your ticket (recommended) or with your prepared currency; the company is not obliged to provide change if you pay with bills larger than €20.

17. The sale of alcoholic beverages will have a last call time, which is 20 minutes before the scheduled closing time (usually 22:40h).

18. The ticket holder, whether in paper or wristband form, expressly declares that they have read, understood, and therefore accept these CONDITIONS and also states that they are fully aware of the rights and obligations that arise from them.

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