Buy Oatmeal in Canarias Online

Buy oat flour in Canarias. The best raw materials at the best prices.

  • 8.01 € CON CUPÓN
8.90 €
5 Reviews
Instant Oats Premium Life Pro Fit Food is Life Pro's premium oat flakes. Their great nutritional benefits can be enjoyed in 9 different delicious flavors, so no one will be without their favorite. Rich in carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • 4.41 € CON CUPÓN
4.90 €
5 Reviews
Life Pro Fit Food Oat Flakes are delicious oat flakes ideal for making porridges, pancakes and a wide range of recipes, enjoying your favourite sweet flavours.
  • 3.78 € CON CUPÓN
The Life Pro Neutral Oatmeal is a delicious and nutritious organic oatmeal flour with neutral flavor ideal for incorporating in all your recipes, sweet or savory and one of the best sources of energy.

What is oatmeal?

The fame of oat flour has grown a lot lately around all those who want to eat a good diet, both athletes and people who do not have regular physical activity. This flour is obtained by grinding oat flakes, a very popular cereal among health aficionados. These flakes are very rich in omega 3, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and are an excellent source of slow release and absorption energy.

Its popularity is also due to the diversity of dishes that can be prepared with this flour. One of the keys to oatmeal is that you can create sweet dishes, keeping our diet healthy by offering us a healthy alternative at mealtime. In addition, they can be combined with many other foods such as fruits, chocolates and other toppings.

Oatmeal provides a good source of energy, made up of slow-release and absorbed carbohydrates. It also offers large amounts of fiber that help lower cholesterol, improve digestion and metabolism, and offers us a large amount of satiety.

What are the properties of oatmeal?

Oatmeal has a variety of rather healthy characteristics. It has a type of complex carbohydrate that gives slow and steady energy. It is considered one of the highest in terms of its protein content, so much so that it provides up to half of the necessary essential amino acids.

Its amount of fiber is also high: it reduces cholesterol, in turn improving digestion and metabolism.

Another of its qualities is the satiety index that it reaches so high, which will prevent us from feeling hungry for longer.

Regarding micronutrients, oats are an excellent provider of vitamin B1 and B6, as well as vitamin E, which has a high antioxidant power, and vitamin K, as well to provide significant amounts of minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Who is oatmeal recommended for?

Oatmeal is a suitable food for any type of person since it provides large amounts of nutrients and health benefits. It is recommended for people who want to improve their habits and enjoy sweet and healthy alternatives, in addition to those who have the goals of increasing muscle mass or losing fat, increase their daily intake of fiber, improve their cholesterol levels and obtain pleasant levels of satiety.

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