Buy Protein in Canarias Online

Protein is one of the three main macronutrients and the most common preference among athletes. In Life Pro you will find all kinds of protein products of the best quality in the market. Protein powders to take in shakes are the most demanded supplement by strength athletes, crossfit and bodybuilders.

  • 1.98 € CON CUPÓN
2.20 €
Isolate Gourmet is the protein isolate that has been designed in 4 new gourmet flavours. With over 83% protein, it is a high quality, high purity supplement; it contributes to meeting daily protein requirements.

What is known as protein?

The proteins are one of the essential macronutrients for the body. These are formed from small structures known as amino acids.

In sports practice, proteins play a fundamental role, helping to preserve muscle mass, preventing loss (catabolism) and favoring the recovery of muscle tissue damaged by training.< /p>

Amino acids are classified into "essential" and "non-essential." The first, the body does not produce and must be provided through food and supplements. The seconds, on the other hand, are available for the body.

The proteins with the highest biological value (BV) are those that contain essential amino acids. These animal-derived proteins are a good source of all 9 essential amino acids, compared to plant proteins, which often lack one or more amino acids.

Supplements such as protein drinks are one of the most common supplements to sports nutrition. These make reaching the requirements easier and more comfortable. Supplements vary according to their origin, speed of absorption, purity, etc.

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