Buy Isolate in Canarias Online

The best variety of whey isolates from Canarias. Spanish brand that uses only the best raw material on the market.

  • 37.71 € CON CUPÓN
41.90 €
5 Reviews
Life Pro Isolate Gourmet 900g is a new protein isolate that has been designed in new gourmet flavours.
  • 37.71 € CON CUPÓN
41.90 €
5 Reviews
Life Pro Isolate Gourmet Choco Monky. Protein isolate designed by Life Pro. New flavour to your favourite chocolate bar. Made with Lacprodan SP-Instant whey protein.

¿What is protein Isolate?

Sports nutrition is undoubtedly one of the disciplines that has evolved the fastest in recent years. The arrival of a large number of new fitness enthusiasts has led to an exponential increase in demand, so companies have been born and investment in research, development and innovation has increased.One of the best examples is protein, whose industry-leading presence has led to many studies focusing on it, resulting in innovations like whey protein isolate supplements.

This is a type of product that achieves a tremendous concentration of protein, normally above 90%. Thus, they are ideal for all those athletes who need a powerful extra of this macronutrient. Its benefits are very varied, but all of them are aimed at the same objective: to achieve optimal muscle health for sports activity.

The role of protein in supplementation

Looking back at the supplementation industry, it's easy to see the dramatic change that has taken place in a relatively short time. Just a few years ago, products such as protein shakes were aimed exclusively at a very specific population group: elite professional athletes.

Today, however, any sports fan has access to the advice of expert nutritionists, as well as the best supplements on the market. The fitness boom has spread, and with it interest in personal improvement in sporting terms has grown, which is why supplementation has become a discipline that arouses the interest of a large number of people.< /strong>

In this context, protein is of great importance, since it is the most common macronutrient in the sports nutrition sector. Its properties are varied, and many depend on the type of product in question, but it is possible to limit them to the most notable benefits. To do this, it is necessary to break down the three main functions they perform.

Serum isolates

The first is protection, which prevents the deterioration of muscle fibers by catabolism. The second is the nutrition of the muscles, since proteins are their 'food', so an extra contribution helps to improve variables such as strength and resistance, in addition to facilitating the growth of lean mass. Thirdly, we must talk about recovery, whose capacity is significantly improved thanks to amino acids (a substance present in proteins), which repair and regenerate muscle fibers. >

What is protein isolate?

Having clarified the main benefits of protein, we must talk about one of its most effective forms: whey isolate. Derived from the same whey used to make dairy products like yogurt, whey protein isolate is extracted using a microfiltration process, which separates the protein from elements like lactose, fats, and carbohydrates. The result is a protein concentration of 90% or more, a true prodigy of supplementation.

What is whey protein isolate used for?

The benefits derived from this composition are very evident, since eliminating carbohydrates and fats is ideal for definition or weight-loss diets, for example. Furthermore, without the presence of lactose, whey isolate supplements improve digestibility and become a perfect alternative for those who are lactose intolerant. These types of supplements can serve different purposes. They are useful both before and after training, since in both contexts it is important to have extra protein to protect the muscle, allow muscle growth and improve subsequent recovery.

How to take the protein isolate?

As already mentioned, whey isolate supplements do not have a single method of ingestion, although it is true that one could speak of two situations in which this type of product is ideal

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