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Everybody associates vitamin C to products such as orange juice and a series of benefits that improve general well-being, strengthening the defenses and fighting health problems such as colds, among other things. It is important to maintain the intake of adequate doses of vitamin C throughout the year, especially when autumn and winter are approaching.
Life Pro Vitamin C 1000mg. is, above all, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants on the market. Vitamin C fights with great effectiveness the excess of free radicals, a harmful element whose presence increases after a high intensity sports effort. If not eliminated, it can cause various health problems, all related to oxidative stress and cellular oxidation.
Another particularly positive benefit for athletes is the increase in the production of collagen, a task in which vitamin C plays a fundamental role.
Thanks to her, Life Pro Vitamin C 1000mg. prevents injuries and improves the condition of bones, tendons and muscles. It is an ideal supplement for all those people, children, adults or seniors, who want to improve their defenses, as well as enjoy its many properties.
- Vitamin C is involved in the formation of choline: and acts as a cofactor for the synthesis of choline, which is necessary for the proper maintenance of hair, skin, teeth, bones and joints.
- Improves the condition of bones and joints: vitamin C contributes to maintaining a correct state of the synovial fluid of the joints, as well as promotes healthy bones and protects tooth enamel.
- Improves the immune system: acts as an antioxidant within the body. It fights against free radicals. Helps prevent diseases and common colds.
- It helps prevent diseases and common colds.
- It intervenes in the synthesis of L-carnitine: vitamin C acts as a cofactor for the production of carnitine. Carnitine promotes the utilization and transport of fats within the cells to be used as a source of energy. It can help with fat loss.
- It can help with fat loss.
- Favors the absorption of iron: vitamin C promotes the absorption of this mineral of vital importance to prevent diseases such as anemia, in the intestinal tract.
- Diminish the symptoms caused by anemia thanks to the improvement in the absorption of iron.
- Reduces cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease: vitamin C can reduce the content of bad cholesterol by exerting an antioxidant effect on it. It prevents its accumulation. It can also help reduce heart-related diseases.
- Prevent aging: vitamin C can help slow the deterioration of all skin cells and other tissues.
- Decreases the levels of árich ácido.
- It can help treat pain in people with arthritis.
- Vitamin C can be of vital importance for the correct development of neuronal tissue as well as its protection. Neurons need vitamin C to avoid free radicals and oxidative stress.
- In the healing of neuronal tissue
- The neurons need vitamin C to prevent free radicals and oxidative stress.
- In the healing of wounds and burns: as vitamin C contributes to the process of collagen, it promotes the healing of wounds as well as accelerating their healing.
- Allergies: vitamin C can help reduce mild symptoms caused by allergenic substances.
- Increases the feeling of energy and vitality: it contributes to energy metabolism and helps to avoid fatigue.
Skin protection: protects the epidermis from sun radiation that can damage it.
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